Careers Support After Graduation
ɬÂþÌìÌà Careers and Employability works with internal and external partners and employers to create opportunities for our students and graduates to develop their skills and Graduate Attributes.
We empower our students and graduates to make informed decisions, enabling them to achieve fulfilling and meaningful careers and positive futures.
As you venture off to start or continue your career, remember that the service provided by the Careers and Employability team is still available to you.
In fact we will continue to provide support to you throughout your career, advising you on issues such as career change and helping you to maintain good application and interview technique as you progress through your career.
How to Continue Accessing our Service
To register for vacancies, book an appointment with a careers adviser, or find out about our careers events, make sure you are registered with
We offer online appointments, or you can travel to our campus for a face to face meeting. We can also answer questions, provide guidance and give feedback on application documents by email contact
Careers and Employability
If you are a student looking for careers advice you can contact Marion Pollock, Caroline Smith or Charlotte Beck.
If you are an employer looking for information please contact Juan Garcia.
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